
Blood blister...

What? It's my blog, I'll discuss bodily ailments if I want to. It's only little, anyway, and was shaped like a guitar pick. But now it's healing and I guess soon it won't be anything.

I was worried my body would reabsorb it, or something weird, you know, one of those weird body things you hear of when you're little but don't believe, and then find out when you're older that it's real? Turns out it's not.


Saw Perfume tonight. For about 12 years I've been waiting for this movie to come out. Maybe longer. Ever since I heard Scentless Apprentice, anyway, which would have been in '94, which makes me old. (Yes, I can do math).

My brother and I have each lost at least one copy of the book and have read it many times. In fact, we were just talking about it today. So when Cos said we could go see this on our date night, I knew full and well why I married him and just how much he loves me. (Yeah, a little self-plug, what of it?)

It was wonderful. Very true to the novel, with only very minor omissions. I won't tell you what, in case you're reading this and have intentions of seeing the movie, but there was one bit I wish I could've seen on the big screen, but which really didn't detract from meaning or content or anything.

I will say this, though: Dustin Hoffman? It was like someone put a Bronx Jewish Mafia kid circa 1936 in the middle of 18th century France. And every once in a while he'd remember he was supposed to be Italian Italian and shout out Basta!!, which my Nonna does whenever she's trying to prove to me that she's really and truly Italian, in case her getting up at 4:30 every morning to make (yummy and mmm-nutritious) home-made pasta wasn't enough.

Hush... It's late, I just felt like proving I can still blog.


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