
Mmm... Prodigal blogging...

It's not that I don't love this blog, because I do. I mean, everyone needs an outlet, and most people like to feel like they're being, er... hea(read?) < - What I did there was combine "heard" and "read". Fair damn clever, me.

But sometimes I have nothing to say.

And sometimes I have so much to say and no time in which to say it. And then, by the time I get around to it... It's old and I'm sure no one will care, which, you know, I'm sure no one care cares, but... I don't care anymore, and I guess that's the problem.

So... Anthony (formerly Cosmo, deposed due to the fact that he's never written on here in all the three - four? - years I've had this blog, thus making me The Gurl, which I am, and not one half of a fabulous fairy team...) has started working with me at my fabulous and wonderful Corus. It's terrific and has finally stopped being weird, seeing him every time I go past his office on my way to the washroom.

Teresa, dear, sweet St. Teresa, she's pregnant. It will be/is a boy. It's all very exciting and she's humungous. And since they baby is Dancing Eric's, he's huge. Natch. And due to a slight mishap about 6 weeks ago, he's been given a special enzyme to strengthen his lungs in the eventuality of an early delivery. And he'll probably be named Payne, but is currently going by the moniker of "Optimus Prime." Opty for short. And will probably be a super villain of unparalleled genius. With the cutest little Cabbage Patch cheeks ever. And, hopefully, a 'fro. Mmm, genetics.

I'm... SO into old folk right now. I can't help myself.
doo do doo do doo do
and here i am...

I just have this urge to write and write and write. And I don't really have a thing to say, but Anthony's out visiting a friend of ours who will probably keep him hostage till much farther into the wee hours than right now. But he's bringing me chocolate/ice cream and I do want to see him before I pass out. How much longer I'll manage, I'm not sure, but Dr Pepper is here to keep me company, and I'm watching the Carabana crews going home, slowly but surely, out my office window. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get on the streetcar and head somewhere.

But I'm not complaining. I got my lovely, uber long, delightfully curly headbanging rockergurl hair cut today. And I am SO happy. I've washed it, that took about one fifth the time it's been taking lately, and so I used a bit too much shampoo, it's been at least a year since half the bottle didn't go on my head per use.

I'm gonna save me a fortune!
see the number on the matchbook is old and faded...

Hmm... Isn't that the way they say it goes?


Status: a pirate...

Ahh, facebook. I'd dream about you, except I don't dream. And, you know, I'd like to think that if I did, I'd have better things to dream about, anyway.

Like tomorrow, kids. Pirates III opens. Can we say exciting!? I don't know whose clever idea it was to open this movie a day early (Probably Disney, they are the kings/queens/satans of making money in a sneaky but out-in-the-open kinda way) but since they're doing it with my movie, I could kiss them. (Quoting CPS from, like, two years ago: "Pirates is kinda your Star Wars!")

Mmm, gonna get me some Johnny goodness. Mmm, gonna get me dirty, dirty (toothless, old, wig-wearing dirty) men action. Playing with swords. And hopefully this time Elizabeth will do what she's been promising to do all along and a) come up with something actually witty to say--

Jacoby: I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain.
Elizabeth: You like pain?
[hits pirate in the head with a pole]
Elizabeth: Try wearing a corset.

--and 3. become the riot grrl she's always looked like she'd become.

Oh, and c) hopefully they make Keira Knightly look less modern than she did in II. I really hope they fix her lame-ass extensions. Guys, guess what, she cut her hair for Domino, ooh! I mean... Yeah, okay, the hair's not there, and you can't do much with hair that ain't there, but you've got to be the most $$ makeup people in the universe right now and you can't even hide that the hair's not there? Still, she's terrific. (And for no particular reason at all, here's some nudity)

And for the record? I'd totally do Geoffrey Rush or Bill Nighy over Orlando Bloom any day. Yeah, they're old and slightly icky occasionally. But they're not dull.

Um... I guess that's all. Be thinking of you...


What's she like when she's at home...

Oh my goodness, I can't remember being this bored in recent history. I live in the perfect location for going out, excepting that it's -13 before wind chill and my lips already feel like I've eaten much spicy food with no water in weeks. So that's a no go.

Everyone is occupado, thank you very much, and good for them. But man, I just wish someone had taken me out tonight.

It's not that big a deal, except I hate everything that's on TV right now (And most other times, too) and so all I'm doing is looking at FaceBook trying to decide if there's anyone from my past I miss so much I should make them my friend. I mean, really, if they mattered that much, wouldn't they be my friend already?

Wow. I'd forgotten what boredom can do to one's brain when left alone too long. Time to suck it up and go belly dance.


And worth every second...

Mmm, Love that Studio 60 goodness.

Hey, even Sundays need to have good points...

Studio 60...

Is back, back, back.


(Hey, when you watch this little TV, every little bit matters...)

Desensitize this...

So, okay, as Daniel was the birthday boy, he got to choose the movie. And as the movie looked really good, we all agreed on it.

Just before the movie starts, I look around and notice that there are absolutely no children in the theatre. I naively attribute this to the fact that it's the 10:10 showing and we're downtown. But really. There are always children at the theatre.

Pan's Labyrinth

Now, for those of you who know me, you understand that I am not a squeamish person. Give me anything but doomsday movies and I can watch them till the cows come home. This movie, though, brought a whole new level of violence to entertainment, one which I really don't think I've ever seen before.

I must admit, though, that even with the frankness of this violence, which, admittedly, though harsh, really did help to forward certain characters. You come to realize towards the end that some of these people are hardly people at all, but brutal, mindless animals bent solely on reducing everything and everyone to their basest level.

Sad, sad, sad. This story reminds you of when there were fairies. And where there are fairies, there be monsters lurking close to. It's stark, it's ugly and somehow completely beautiful. And maybe everything doesn't end up all right in the end. But maybe it does.

A true fairy tale, confusing, dark, violent and gorgeous.

See it. Be ready to cover your eyes and gasp and jump and completely fall in love with it.

(I don't write movie reviews because I'm scattered and easily influenced by the voices in my head, but please understand that this is an endorsement).


Humming in my dreams...

This, apparently, is the new thing I've taken up. Cos says it's very cute, especially as it's punctuated by small giggles. He asked me what I was humming, as he doesn't recognize the tune. Of course, being asleep, I'm not chock full of the useful knowledge in this regard.

I tell him it's my theme song.

"Each person who ever was or will be has a song... Take Daisy, for example. Her song, which had been somewhere in the back of her head for most of her life, had a reassuring, marching sort of beat, and words that were about protecting the weak, and it had a chorus that began, "Evildoers beware!" and was thus much too silly ever to be sung out loud. She would hum it to herself sometimes though, in the shower, during the soapy bits."

- Neil Gaiman,
Anansi Boys

He liked that. That, along with the bits about how a lime was "just a lime" are some of the best moments of that book.

Anyway, I figure it might be because yesterday I was taken off contract at my new job. It's a wonderful new job, much like the old one started out. However, this one's for an actual company, not some guy's demented harem, and therefore, it's unionized. This means that if they decide to change the rules (Say, cancelling overtime but expecting the same hours' of work, or neglecting to give vacation pay, etc.) they can't. Or they'd have an awful lot of explaining to do. And a lot of angry union-types on their collective asses. Also, my boss is sweet.

Long story short, I left [crappy company] for [good company] on a hope and a dream. Seriously, it was a three month contract, but things were so bad I was willing to wing it. And on the day I went in to sign my contract (Fancy that - actual contracts!) I was informed that they had received budget to hire us on full time. Eventually.

Eventually came yesterday in the guise of my giggling and excited boss, and I, of course, signed my new contract that removes me from the realm of contract players immediately.

And tomorrow the Square Tablers are getting together to celebrate Dan's birthday. I know we had a Christmas get together and before that a Halloween party and before that CPS and Polly got married. But it seems like forever since we broke bed together, and for this I'm very excited, although slightly worried, in the "Will the East! crowd appreciate us being loud and rowdy? Will we be loud and rowdy when surrounded with the East! crowd? etc.)

Anywho, very exciting, definitely worth humming about.

Now if I could only figure out the words to my theme...