

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.

You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.

You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!

A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

Well, maybe I don't blog regularly 'cause I'm so thoughful and stuff...

Oh, and you people need to start rating me better, or something!!

Finally, a quiz worth taking...!

You Are Ernie

Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!

Yeah, screw that religion quiz. Religion can't make you happy like Sesame Street...!


A quizzing we will go...

this is the circus may actually be a spider-human hybrid


From Go-Quiz.com

I love quizes :)


The University of Blogging

Presents to

An Honorary
Bachelor of
Self Portraiture

Majoring in
Psychotic Ranting
Dr. GoQuiz.com


Blogging Degree
From Go-Quiz.com

Yeah, like you didn't know...


Have you ever noticed...

How you have no fucking idea what's going on? Oh, I don't just mean in the world around you, I mean... Well, yeah, the world around you, your life, your head? Because it's all interconnected, isn't it?

And it's all just so very weird.

No, really, have you never noticed this?

Like, how you work with someone, and then you realize that after having sat with them over numerous unpaid breakfasts and even more paid lunches that you have no idea who they are, what makes them tick or why they even bother to get out of bed in the morning?

Or how your mind wanders when you're really bored, like when you're on transit? Like how you'll start staring at that person sitting across from you on the subway, the one with the really freaky-ass shirt... (And yes, I know it's a rugby shirt, and no, I don't care if/what team it belongs to, and please don't get mad that I stole your image, no one's reading this anyway ;)

Anyway, then you start wondering why that person chose that shirt, and if they knew then or have since figured out that it's ugly? Is that why they look so freakin' miserable? Did they just figure it out now? Are they sitting there thinking "That person keeps staring at me. Why are they staring at me? Can they see the ugly?"

Or, like, do you ever lie awake at night giving yourself polyps 'cause you're sure the government's out to get you, steal your money, your soul, even your husband? 'Cause I may be reading too much into this, but Cosmo should be able to work any day now, but it seems like Canada's just dragging it's feet. And of course the TV station where he volunteers has well-paid low impact jobs posted right freakin' now... Jobs that any monkey can do and any creature capable of higher thought would be excited, nay, thrilled to do?

Oooh, did you ever think this was probably the truth of the matter even though god and science told you otherwise?

Do you ever find yourself saying "Hey, is this bad? Smell it." Or "Oh, that's gross, wanna see?" Or "My arms hurt so badly after typing for 10 hours a day at work transcribing other people's words, I should go home and blog...?"

So yeah. Not much point, but I was wondering if anyone else ever had that...


Neil Gaimany goodness. In a church...

So, the Neil Gaiman meet and greet was held in this
old church on the border of the BloorWest Village/Annex.
Really nice, atmospheric, slightly gothy, all really appropriate.

Including the creepy beyond all reason washroom and
the hallway you had to travel to get to it.


At the far end is the men's room.
This is a door that, while I was waiting down there for
Cos to come back from somewhere was mostly left
I made lots of new friends that night, and they didn't even know it.

That entry to the right leads to the ladies', and they kindly gave
you a sign explaining why anyone would possibly
want to go down this particular hallway.

Also in this hallway?
A brown table.
Sorry, Table (light brown).
Of course this amused me, for no particular reason.

So now here is the hallway, and it looks like this.
Well, very creepy, to say the least.
I kept expecting the ghosts of asylum inmates to catch me.
Yeah, overactive imagination, fine, but the point is...
And for the record, when you're brought up gothically Catholic,
churches are just as creepy as abandoned hospitals, mental or otherwise.

As you can see by the sign on the door to the right...
Here we are.

Except for having to travers the lobby of doom...
Honestly, tell me this doesn't remind you of a nightmare
version of Alice in Wonderland?
Again, appropriate, given the night, but...
At the Witching Hour, of which I'm very superstitious,
the creepy basement of an old church is about the last place
I can think of wanting to be.
But maybe that's just me.

Especially when you throw in the weird
institutinal shower stall dealie...
Right next to the washroom door, of course.

And finally the washroom...
Now, it'd be a lie to say the washroom itself wasn't
creepy, too, but there was another girl in there,
and with an atmostphere as weird as it was already,
I didn't wanna risk anything.
Option A. She looks at me funny.
Option B. She calls the cops.
Option C. She's an inmate ghost and will keep me
forever rather than have proof of her existence escape.

Disclaimer: I'm fully aware of my over active imagination, thanks. I live with Cos, he marvels at and mentions it on a fairly regular basis, I'll have you know.
None of this sounded particularly good in my tired brain.
So no pictures.
But I did get you this...

This envelope?
Not for stealing.
No matter how badly you want it.
Hands off!

Do you ever just wonder...

What the hell is going on?

I don't know, I keep writing these imaginary posts in my head, from the sacrilgious to the outrageous to the sublime, and of course after a day of typing for 8 hours or so, there's no way I'm putting anything else down on the keyboard.

I don't really have much to say, but it really has been so long. And it seems to me that there's so much I have left to tell you. So, you know how, like, I'm always talking about my truest form of worship and how he goes by the name of Neil Gaiman?


In case you can't tell by this picture, which I think makes everything very clear, I got to meet him. Stood about 18 inches away from him, in fact. Sadly, we got there really late (Bell Canada's fault, but too long a story) And so I didn't get my question in (Why are you thanked in the credits of Dogma? -- Which I didn't only fail to ask him, but Kevin Smith, twice.) And it was 1 am by the time our tickets allowed us up close and personal, so neither of us were terribly personable (Although he was trying very hard not to fall asleep and remained sweet even when Cos asked him to sign his copy of Halfblood Prince, for some unfathomable reason). And that was in October, Thanksgiving weekend, to be exact.

And BJ and Buddy finally made it to Toronto. Tell me this isn't a good representation:

I mean, these boys went native so quickly you'd think they were born to it. Of course, you should have seen them in the village where BJ said, and I quote "This is where I want to live. There's so much life going on." By which, of course, he probably meant "Just look at all the cute boys!!" Anyway, they loved it, and we love them, and they'll probably move here just in time for Cos and I to decide we've had it with Toronto and everything that entails and are moving to Austin, or something. But we'll see :)

Anyway, they brought their sweet selves here back in February, and when in Rome...
Wow, marvel at my neglect of you. Who else can 1. Meet their own personal avatar, 2. Finally bring their friends to Toronto and 2. b) Watch said friends get married, and still neglect to update their blog?

That's all right, the Neil Gaiman picture reminded me of something, so this will be a double post. Well, one point five, as the next one will be (almost) just pictorial. Yay!!