Neil Gaimany goodness. In a church...
So, the Neil Gaiman meet and greet was held in this
old church on the border of the BloorWest Village/Annex.
Really nice, atmospheric, slightly gothy, all really appropriate.

Including the creepy beyond all reason washroom and
the hallway you had to travel to get to it.

At the far end is the men's room.
This is a door that, while I was waiting down there for
Cos to come back from somewhere was mostly left
I made lots of new friends that night, and they didn't even know it.
That entry to the right leads to the ladies', and they kindly gave
you a sign explaining why anyone would possibly
want to go down this particular hallway.
Also in this hallway?
A brown table.
Sorry, Table (light brown).
Of course this amused me, for no particular reason.
So now here is the hallway, and it looks like this.
Well, very creepy, to say the least.
I kept expecting the ghosts of asylum inmates to catch me.
Yeah, overactive imagination, fine, but the point is...
And for the record, when you're brought up gothically Catholic,
churches are just as creepy as abandoned hospitals, mental or otherwise.
As you can see by the sign on the door to the right...
Here we are.
Except for having to travers the lobby of doom...
Honestly, tell me this doesn't remind you of a nightmare
version of Alice in Wonderland?
Again, appropriate, given the night, but...
At the Witching Hour, of which I'm very superstitious,
the creepy basement of an old church is about the last place
I can think of wanting to be.
But maybe that's just me.
Especially when you throw in the weird
institutinal shower stall dealie...
Right next to the washroom door, of course.
And finally the washroom...
Now, it'd be a lie to say the washroom itself wasn't
creepy, too, but there was another girl in there,
and with an atmostphere as weird as it was already,
I didn't wanna risk anything.
Option A. She looks at me funny.
Option B. She calls the cops.
Option C. She's an inmate ghost and will keep me
forever rather than have proof of her existence escape.
Disclaimer: I'm fully aware of my over active imagination, thanks. I live with Cos, he marvels at and mentions it on a fairly regular basis, I'll have you know.
None of this sounded particularly good in my tired brain.
So no pictures.
But I did get you this...
This envelope?
Not for stealing.
No matter how badly you want it.
Hands off!
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