
Everyone needs some time off...

And granted, mine's been about 9 months. But I type for a living, and I work insane hours.

It's okay, though, I'm back. Possibly for a good time, not a long time, but maybe we can make this a hobby again.

Which brings me to my addiction. Now, I'm sure if you've ever seen this blog before (Yes, I'm looking at you wild and kooky Square Tablers, that's right) you might have noticed my obsession with celebrity gossip. Go me.

Yeah, so I read gossip sites. It gets me through the days. And I can honestly say this, 'cause I totally don't read them on weekends. In fact, I mostly read them on Mondays. But I'm not here to defend myself, I'm here to share.

Article one,
which I'm actually posting here 'cause it's, well... Accurate. Not shocking in it's information, but shockingly accurate thus far. Go unknown MSN "reporter," go!

Article two, which is not so much gossip as, well... Yeah, just click it. I'm reasonably sure that's even Paris' ex-best friend on the cover.

Maybe I'll make this a weekly feature where I can gather all my best gossip features together, since I'm reasonably sure no one else cares with the passion I do.



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