Old update...
I should've come back ages ago and finished that blog where I talk about the recruiting agency trying to recruit me as a recruiter. Thank god, they seem to have given up on that.
Anyway, I went to a second agency the day after that, and they were so sweet. My rep actually nearly cried when she saw my test scores. Not because they're bad, which is what normally made me want to cry when I saw most of my candidate's test scores, but because yours truly is awesome. Awesomest awesomeness ever to awesome. That's me.
Anyway, they offered me a couple jobs, one was too far, one required me to actually know French, not just be able to hack it out in a semi-convincing way, and the other wanted to pay too little for too long. So I ended up taking something that pays even less, but only for two weeks. Which is good, 'cause then I'm not stuck taking too little money for a long time. Yay.
Except that I was told it was a reception position, and in a way it is. I answer the phones. That's all I do. And in an eight hour shift I answer it about thirty times. And that's all I do.
But it's not terrible. I've caught up on reading the internet. I think I'll hit the end any day now. So there's always hope.
In the meantime, this is one of the fascinating things I've found:

You are 'Latin'. Even among obsolete skills, the
tongue of the ancient Romans is a real
anachronism. With its profusion of different
cases and conjugations, Latin is more than a
language; it is a whole different way of
thinking about things.
You are very classy, meaning that you value the
classics. You value old things, good things
which have stood the test of time. You value
things which have been proven worthy and
valuable, even if no one else these days sees
them that way. Your life is touched by a
certain 'pietas', or piety; perhaps you are
even a Stoic. Nonetheless, you have a certain
fascination with the grotesque and the profane.
Also, the modern world rejects you like a bad
transplant. Your problem is that Latin has
been obsolete for a long time.
What obsolete skill are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I've been reduced to doing quizes. But at least I'm classy. Go me.
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