It could happen to you...
I hope.
So. I have managed to find three actually cool jobs that I'm qualified for in the last few weeks. One closed this Friday, two closed yesterday. I still haven't heard from any of them, but I understand that I'm really expecting a lot. But I want a job - Now. All you cool job people: I'm looking at you!
Anyway, I had an interview at a recruiters today. A bilingual recruiter. You know, kind of like where I used to work, but a different office.
I get there, and one of the recruiters hands me a package of papers to fill out, then asks "How's your French writing?"
Now, gentle viewers, I have never lied about this - I've made it by these past 25 years because I'm a good mimic. Always have been. My uncle used to call me "The Daily Report," 'cause at three years old I'd repeat entire commercials, songs and stories verbatim. So this is how I made it through so many years of French school and classes. Writing. Not my forte. And I told her so, but in a more, shall we say, covert way. "Writing? Not so much."
She told me not to worry about it, to just do the best I could, yaddah yaddah. I start looking through the papers, and the English tests (Yes, English tests) are easy. Match words to their meanings, fix their spelling, use them in sentences. It's like blogging, but with smarter words.
I get to the French sheets. And after two seconds I'm seriously contemplating getting on the elevator, running to the car and telling Cosmo to cheese it. But I motor through.
Then I get to the computer tests. The receptionist sets me up on the tests. "Can you use Windows?" And I'm thinking "Dear god..." Well, there was more, but it was mostly incoherent due to the frying of my French sectors. The she asks if I can do Excel, which I'm sad to say I only started to learn at my last job because I was the resident "computer expert," and it was needed. And I tell her as much, but she says "Excel. Vood yoo lahk to do Excel?" So I say "D'accord." Loosely, yes.
Get those done, not too shabby (Okay, only %54 on the Excel, but since I don't know squat about it, that's pretty good.)
Now The Interview.
I'm meeting with the manager of the office, and she's asking me why I left the bank, why I left the recruiting office, what I liked about those jobs, what I didn't like... What kind of questions I asked while interviewing candidates, what kinds of placements I was making, if I thought I was good at the job.
Yeah, so a light goes off in my head. I point out to the recruiting lady that, well, I was only at that position for three months, I was still in training and I don't know how suited I was to the job despite loving it. She said "Hey, why don't you meet one of the other recruiters? She used to work for your ex boss, too."
So I sit down with the other recruiter and she starts probing me about recruiting, too. "Did you like it? What did you like about it? Do you think you were good at it? What about it do you think you were exceptionally good at? Would you like to do it again?" And I tell her again, I loved the job, but since I was still in training and took my boss' advice and left, I don't know how suited I was to it. And she says "Hey, why don't you talk to my boss some more?"
The boss mentioned to me that they liked me, and were looking to hire someone really quickly. She also mentioned that despite the fact that they were a full cycle office (Meaning that everyone's responsible for sales and recruiting, she thought she'd be willing to take on extra sales if I'd be interested in recruiting for her office. These women weren't getting it. So now I'm thinking instead of my super cool jobs that I've recently applied to, I'm probably looking at another recruiting job with people who seem less patient than my old boss. Yikes.
It's alright, Cosmo treated me to Amato's after the interview, which is always decent incentive to going downtown.
Wonder what he's going to give me after my interview tomorrow when I'm offered (Double Yikes) yet another job at yet another recruiting office. We won't be downtown, and I don't really remember what kind of eating places there are near Mel Lastman Square.
I really need to learn to put my foot down. Cool job people, I'm looking at you, here...
Thank you, sweetums!!
Needed, very needed... I think I drank away the last of my "it's all good-ness" on Friday. At least I was mostly nanked when I did it, I guess ;)
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