Heeeere's Johnny...
And heeeeere's my award for originality, too. But admittedly, when I first saw this, a little bit of pee came out. So happy. So excitedly dancing for joy happy. I can't wait. Of course, I'm gonna have to, but at least it's on the horizon now. No longer some strange imaginary thing in my head.
What else? Oh, Cos signed us up for this show called "Between the Sheets" while we were at the Everything to do With Sex Show last month. And get this - Someone actually called us about it. We're meeting her at Gabby's tomorrow night. I don't really have any reservations, except that I don't feel right enough being on TV. Whatever. Cos is really excited and it should be fun, at the very least.
Simon's gonna meet us there, hopefully with his new lady friend. It'll be nice to have her along, even if she probably won't give the go ahead to be on the show. It'll especially be nice to have a female there to break the Cosmo-Simon dynamic a little, since darling St Teresa won't come along. She and Eric are too chicken shit to join us, as if we'll actually end up on TV. Silly Teresa and Eric!
I take back what I said about Cosmo's picture being better. I saw tha full size poster at the theater and this is an awesome picture. In fact, I think I want that outfit. Awesome shoes.
Wanda knows all. What Wanda says is cool most likely IS cool. Buffy is cooler than you thought it would be - I distinctly remember Rach telling me you flat out refused to watch it - Now look. Eurotrip is funnier than you thought it would be - Tell ME a movie I recommend is stupid again! You will listen to all the music I tell you to listen to you, you sloppy little bitch...
So, repeat after me: Wanda knows all... Wanda. Knows. All.
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