There, art thou happy...?
Ah, Shakespeare. I'm a faux-snob. This is proven by my "quoting" of Shakespeare, my mentioning it, and my use of the word "faux" in a sentence, any sentence, while I'm not at work. Yeah, I get away with French at work, that's part of my job. But this isn't work.
It's nearly Hallowe'en. I love Hallowe'en. I don't know why. I guess it's 'cause Autumn is one of my two favourite season and I'm a sucker for pretending to not be me. Oh, and I've a ridiculous flare for the dramatic.
Just in time for Hallowe'en: The Grudge. Wicked creepy movie with a wicked creepy website and completed by a bunch of wicked creepy sound effects. We love this movie, but we officially hate the kid. What an evilly disturbing little fucker he is. Simon's got it out for any little Asian kid between the ages of 6 and 10, so be forewarned.
To top off the creepiness, Cos and I took ourselves down to Suspect Video, one of my all-time most favourite stores, which is odd given that it's a video rental place. But super cool, so if you're in the GTA, go there. The people are super nice and you'll find shit there you've never heard of before, or heard of but never been able to find. One of my happy places.
So, besides my gratuitous ad placement, there is a story here. Cos and I got ourselves Ju-on 2, which is the original Japanese version of the sequel to The Grudge. Well, actually, it's the sequel to the original Ju-on, but Ju-on was out, so we got part 2.
Fucking wicked. I know this for a fact, because Simon, Cos and I jumped at all the right times, were freaked out and stressed despite the fact that it was, hands down, the worst piece of translation any of us had ever seen. I also know this for a fact because we've ended up keeping it for our Hallowe'en get together tomorrow night, thus costing me almost as much to rent the bloody thing as to buy it. But that's alright. It's worth it.
More proof that it's worth it: The little kid was practically the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. These damned movies have staying power. Check out some clips. The last one, "Matthew, stop it," is the worst scene of the American version.
What else? Oh, went to The Everything To Do With Sex Show. St. Teresa and Dancing Eric swore it was lots of fun last year. And it was this year too, but towards the end all the booths seemed the same - Sadly, according to them, there was a lot more going on last year. This year it was all about (the same) toys and (the same) underwear, booth after booth. Now, I'm not discrediting it, it was fun, just mostly the first half hour of the show. If any of us had been feeling more patient or organized we probably would have sat in on some of the lectures, but it was humid and crowded and everyone was tired after a big brunch, so it just didn't happen. Props to Erin, though, for buying a toy right after grossing out her little brother. That's m'girl, Pollyanna!!
Most disappointing of all was that there wasn't a single copy of Lord of the G-Strings to be found. It was really the main reason I, and, I believe, everyone else in the group, brought cash along. That's a great movie. Bad acting, easy jokes and lots of soft core. What else could a person ask for? I did manage to pick up some nifty brochures and stuff, though. I'll probably do a "lost and found" blog later with some good websites, once I've had a chance to look through all the stuff I brought home. For now, though, I'm turning into an old lady and will probably be in bed within an hour.

Speaking of exhaustion, which I was doing in a nice, roundabout way, thank whoever thought of it for the extra hour this weekend. I desperately need it after the week I had. Nothing bad, just eventful, and thankfully, for the first time since we got home, it wasn't eventful in a personal way. Just lots of work going on.
So, for now, "To sleep, perchance to dream." (Oops, there I go again!

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