Pop culture for reality...
Joy of joys. There's a new Trivial Pursuit game. I love Trivial Pursuit. I mean, I really, really love this game. I'm the reigning freakin' champion (For the record, "freakin' comes up as "foreskin" when using spellchecker - Just thought we should take note.) And this one's based in the 90's. I've already mentioned how much I loved the 90's culture stuff... It's gonna be great. If I make it as far as a first paycheque, I'm indulging in a little pursuit of trivia.
This just kills me. And on so many levels. I mean, three years ago I'd have been incensed at the police seemingly targeting someone, and in some way I still am. On the other hand, as long as they apologized (Which they did) and didn't keep after him - Which CSIS didn't, the Egyptian police did - I think he's barking up the wrong tree. I agree that he deserves something in writing and a little restitution, perhaps, but one million dollars? From the Canadians who've already apologized and moved on? I would personally go after the Egyptians who kept him locked up for ten days and went through his house. Then again, the Egyptian police don't seem to be into what's right so much as what they can get away with, whereas the Canadian police will be too wary of being judged, well, judgmental, so he's more likely to get money out of us than the Egyptians.
And I'm sorry, but as anyone who's worked near the CN Tower can tell you, photographing it from ten feet away doesn't make sense. You have to get out to Front Street at least before it looks like anything besides a giant straw towering over you. I'll have to go with the cops on this one and point out that videotaping that close to the base is going to look suspicious.
Poor strange Sinead O'Connor. I'm completely in agreement that she deserves privacy. I was shocked and somehow impressed when she tore up the picture of the pope - On the one hand agreeing with her message, yet still disagreeing with the method she used to present it - and actually find her interesting and talented. This is another case of agreeing with her message and thinking her presentation leaves something to be desired. Requesting privacy in a 2,000 word, full page add is kind of like setting yourself on fire in a public square and expecting no one to notice. But what do I know?
And another moment for my car crash obsession with Britney, please. Here I am, desperately searching a job (It's a long story and I'm tired, so I'll report later in case anyone's interested) I'm still working out my issues with this. I'll probably be obsessed till one of us dies, though.

I hate Fox. They get some really creative show concepts with really wonderful people behind them, but would rather show American Idol (Again) and more "reality-based" shows. Who's reality is this, anyway?
I've sat through lots of shit. Okay, no I haven't, because right now I only watch Fox for the Simpsons, Malcolm and Bernie Mac, and those only sporadically, but to postpone one of the only shows I was looking forward to yet again, and also threaten to only order half a season. It's not fair. Tru Calling is good, and if they don't give it the attention it deserves it'll go the same way as Family Guy, Wonderfalls and Andy Richter Controls the Universe.
We're talking about shows that are worth watching week after week, shows that I feel bad for missing. More importantly, this show is my sole replacement for Buffy and Angel, who were, I'll add, unceremoniously cancelled within a year of eachother, I'd like to point out. Okay, it's the only one left me since Wonderfalls has been cancelled. I know, it's my fault for wanting funny and intelligent programming when sad, pathetic people looking for easy fixes are all the rage.
Now, I'll grant you that Family Guy's been "uncancelled," but only because The Cartoon Network in the States and Cartoon Central in Canada were making so much posthumous money off of it. Wonderfalls was cancelled after four episodes, none of which were on at the same time as the episode from the proceeding week. That sounds like they're giving their new shows a chance, doesn't it?
At least there's a Tru Calling DVD in the works. It won't salve my wounds, and if they don't at least wrap up the Jack/Tru's Father storyline in those six episodes (I'm not kidding myself into believing that this show will be on much longer, even though my toes themselves are crossed) I will be seriously pissed. I may even have to give up my Simpsons, just to spite them (By one viewer at a time, I tell you!!)
Alright. Now I must to bed so I can be nice and refreshed for my "almost job," which is what I shall be calling it till I hear otherwise. But first, let us bask in the glow of a million happy links...
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