No rest for the wicked...
'shall I never get any older than I am now?
That'll be a comfort, one way--never to be an old woman
--but then--always to have lessons to learn!'"
Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
That's me. Wicked. Wicked cool. Yeah. And feelin quite like Alice these days. Up isn't up anymore, if you get what I mean. It's alright, sometimes I don't, either.
No rest for me. I've been on two interviews this week, with another one tomorrow. Two with a temp agency, one with a company and I do believe it was a nightmare. The ladies at the temp agency are really nice and seem to think I'll do well. Hell, the manager from the temp agency keeps calling me. In fact, she called me today to, get this, offer me a job with the temp agency. I am George. Minus the adorable pout, but we can't all be perfect. Anyway, that interview's tomorrow. I may have to remove my labrette.
The other interview was with an actual company. The lady at the temp agency described it as "... Kind of like customer service, but more like... reception." Yeah. As I'm sitting there waiting for the HR lady to finish with the other two people who were booked at the same time as me, I could hear the receptionist making suggestions to a call centre manager. Call centre. Yeah. Bad thing: Before the interview even started, I'd decided that I would take the job if they offered it to me, but I wouldn't be staying long. Not that it matters, 'cause the HR lady liked me, but hated my answers. I mean, how could I really leave the bank to come to her? Was I nuts? She felt that her bosses would feel the same. By the way, was I aware that this was a call centre position?
So, sometime this afternoon the manager of the temp agency called and told me I was wonderful, talented and would I like to join their team? Hell, that sounds kind of cool. I mean, it's not the really awesome CBC job I desperately want, but it's something, and it sounds more interesting than a call centre. Imagine getting to see actual people day in and day out.
The end of this story is that I actually went out and bought myself a suit which ended up being too expensive but really cute. I'm probably going to return 2/3's of it sometime tomorrow, after the interview, of course. I'm ghetto interviewing!!
Well, it's alright. I've also applied for a job at The Silver Snail. Comic geeks unite, and cross your fingers for me that something happens soon. Something that isn't a call centre. I mean, I'm just all over the place with everything, and I do believe my nerves are near shot. I want a job at a comic book store, a temp agency and, most cool, the CBC. What can I tell you, I'm quite the Renaissance girl. And also quite undecided. At least I'm honest about it.
It's nice to know where you stand, even if that's nowhere at all.
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