The truth...
Here's something I don't understand. The short version is this: Cat Stevens converted to the Nation of Islam many years ago. When the terrorist attacks in the United States happened, he criticized the people who had chosen that such an act was a good one, saying "``Crimes against innocent bystanders taken hostage in any circumstance have no foundation whatsoever in the life of Islam and the model example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.''" Which is a beautiful statement, and one past readers of this blog will remember I agree with, even if it is in a much more drawn out way.
Anyway, this man who condones peace (He's also very outspoken about the American war in Iraq) has been kept out of the United States, and from what I can tell for no good reason. No reason is quoted in any article I've read, except to say that he's on a watch list. Why he's on the watch list isn't mentioned, either. Damn those subversive ex-hippie peaceniks!!
On the happier side of gossip, Britney finally got married. I don't know what my fascination is with her, but there you have it. I also don't think there's enough money in her overly large bank account to pay me to be one of her handlers. Which is probably why I'm broke. Yes, I enjoy implying that I've been asked to sell my soul. The next year (Two at the outside) will be a lot of fun for her whirring publicity machine.
Enjoy this, it gave me a giggle. And, actually, so did this. Especially the part that begins "Her last marriage took place..." I'm apparently not the only one who thinks this is a first (Well, second, I guess) rung in a ladder that Liz Taylor might blush at.
My newly refound Macaulay Culkin's in trouble. Okay, well, that explains his awesome yet stilted (That's right, you heard me) performance in Party Monster. See it, you'll understand what I mean. Actually, as the article indicates, it also explains what he was doing in Oklahoma City.
And another giggle: "Madonna called for world peace Sunday at a conference in Tel Aviv on Jewish mysticism, a highlight of her five-day pilgrimage to Israel. The Israeli government hopes the star - the biggest pop celebrity to visit in years - will revive tourism battered by four years of violence, and officials were on hand at her hotel to share the spotlight. Madonna said she was hesitant to come to Israel but "I realize now that it is no more dangerous to be here than it is to be in New York." Madonna has become a devotee of Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, in recent years. She has adopted the Hebrew name Esther and wears a red thread on her wrist to ward off the evil eye. Many Orthodox Jews reject the adoption of Kabbalah by non-Jewish pop figures as a desecration of the holy."
The saddest part of all is that if Madonna can't get the Powers That Be to mend their wicked ways, who can? After reading that, I was reminded of the final moments of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. You know, the part where our ill-fated heroes travel forward in time to become the best musicians ever, meaning that they can finally fulfill their roles as the cause of intergallactic peace? Beautiful movie, that.

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