Packing hell...
Ashton Kutcher,
The Butterfly Effect
Two days. Two days! All my rock-star aspirations have gone out the windows the last two days. I can't fathom the amount of money that would make it worth living out of your suitcase. Packing is like... Okay, it's not hell, but rather purgatory. It's tragic. The greatest part about today was when I finished packing up the car. See, it's the longest possible time between now and the next time I have to pack, or unpack, for that matter.
I also hate leaving. But as I keep reminding myself, it's not leaving, it's going away for a while. That makes it a little easier. As I also keep trying to remind myself.

And then the false starts. We were supposed to leave today, but as always, I can't quite get my shit together. And neither could Cosmo. Collectively, it's a lot of shit to not get together. It's alright, though. Everyone back home is busy living their lives this week. Without us. I'll let it slide. Just this once.

(What do you do when someone you love ignores you, then accuses you of neglect? Just the new dilemma in my under-worked brain)
So, after two days of packing, one of which was definately purgatorial, we have two days of neverwhereness. You know, that state of travelling from place to place, but somehow not being completely sure of where you are, or even if you're completely visible. Still, it's nice. Cosmo and I talk at eachother for a really long period of time, then we're quiet. And it's a good transition between here and there.
And I think I've finally come up with a design for the blog that makes me happy. Bless Dave McKean.
Finally, Gigli really is as bad as everyone says it is. No, it really, really is. Maybe, 20 years from now, people will be much more advanced than we are, and they'll understand it. But maybe 20 years from now I'll be queen of the planet and I'll have banned this movie.
Wanda, wanda, wanda, we will miss you and cosmo while yall are gone. hopefully yall can come back soon (fingers crossed). it sucks that we couldnt spend more time with yall, either at yall's place or ours. :(
I hope you know who this is :)
BTW, we may not be moving after all, we are going to try to stay put. unfortunatly, our roomie "talked" to his lawyers, and they said we cant legally kick him out on the 15th, that sucks ass in the bad way :(
Oh well, by the end of the month, we can YAY :)
Talk to yall later!
Love both of ya!
Sux. Bet you can't wait till the end of the month, eh? (See, four days back in my native habitat and I've reverted to the animal I always was ;)
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