Where I want to be...
It's called Parkerfest. It's very much where I want to be this October.

And I want to be wearing this. Bless eBay. In all it's evilness.
I know, I know. Now you know what Parkerfest is, so you're wondering who Parker was. Dorothy Parker was a poet, writer and member of the Algonquin Round Table. I've always wanted to be a great wit, myself. And a flapper. I know, I know, wrong era.
Seriously, who asked to be born in the 70's, anyway? And the very butt end, no less. I mean, it was all well and good during the grunge days, but they're over and nothing's been the same since. Yes, I can say that with a good, healthy sense of irony, thank you very much.

Which Grunge Band Are You?
Dig me.
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