Where is my home...
The raven cawed from the edge of the clearing...
"Hey," said Shadow. "Hugnin or Muninn, or whoever you are."
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
"Say 'Nevermore,'" said Shadow.
"Fuck you," said the raven.
-Neil Gaiman
American Gods
Feeling slightly meh, today. Meh. Such a great word to describe lower than content, but higher than low. I'll get over it, it's mostly just home sickness and this feeling of less than complete control. It's hard being a confirmed pedestrian in Houston. Going for walks here feels like you've got a target on your back. It's also hard to not partake in weekly brunch and gossip sessions. "Meh" is the perfect word for how I'm feeling today.
So, in order to make it light, I'd like to thank Mr. Confirmed Gamer. I'll not be suggesting M:tG - It was a generous suggestion, but a little too much of a dangerous thing, if you get what I mean. We already don't get any sleep, and I'm sure that introducing something like that into our relationship would make us crazier than crazy. Also, I'm battling the lable of "Geek Queen" in my group of friends already, just because I collect Neil Gaiman graphic novels. I mean, Neil Gaiman's a genius, so I don't feel too badly about it, but it's such a harsh lable for such an innocent pursuit of perfection

Okay, so my last post I talked about Garden State. I am standing by how much everyone needs to see this movie. Zach Braff may be my new personal hero. And I love indie films that are about something and yet somehow not preachy. It's a little bit of happy. For instance, don't see Swimming Pool unless you want to do big time internet research afterwards. I could tell you about it, but I won't.
Now, about Garden State. With the exception of why Largeman's all screwed up, I can completely understand all the how's of it. It's just such an easy to relate to screwed-up-edness. And for those of you who've seen it, the title of this post is accidental - I didn't realize I would be posting about Garden State again so soon.
Another recently seen positively awesome indie film would have to be Saved! Macaulay Culkin's over his too-cute childhood, thank god. Just such a wicked movie. And, not preachy, despite being about religion. Actually, it's more about religion vs. spirituality - Very much my type of argument. Plus, Michael Stipe was Producer on it, and most things Michael Stipe are good. Yay Michael.
After having seen Garden State and how beautiful yet tiny Natalie Portman is, and after having seen Without a Paddle and how cute and slick (Yes, I said slick) Seth Green is, I've made a decision. My decision involves them and any other "little" actors available: I'd like to collect them, and possibly mate them, and see how many cute/little/beautiful children we can get out of the matches. I'm now taking applications for babysitters. After Saved! and Party Monsters, I'm thinking about bringing Macaulay Culkin into the mix. It's all about the talent, baby.
So there. I've talked about my new recent obsessions, and Cosmo fixed me a giant bowl of ice cream with Reeses' shell sauce. I feel a little more human and a bit closer to home. This Blogger thing was a good idea, after all

Oh, and one more thing: There is nothing wrong with naked girations. If more people did it, what a wonderful world this would be.
Everyone's a critic.

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