Late nights and early mornings...
To kiss fingerprinted skin...
- The Wrong Man Was Convicted
Barenaked Ladies
I have decided to try and educate myself by memorizing quotes. You are my captive audience. If you are my audience at all.
It's going to be hell when we get home and I have to get myself a job. Especially if my inconsiderate employers expect me to keep regular hours. Yesterday we went to bed at 7 am. Hey, I never said we were smart, I only said I wished I were a wit. I've also always said I wanted to be so famous I could quote myself. At least I've finally gotten one of my wishes. Either way, there's a huge difference.
It's been a while since I've had lots of links in my posts, so look out, kids. It's time for another link-heavy blog.
The good thing about going to bed that early/late is that I've discovered the Cherub Wings. They're really sweet. Because I went to Catholic school, I've always been wary of Flanders' types, most specifically because I've known plenty of people who felt that Hallowe'en and clowns were "evil." This show, however, is cute. So this morning I learned that even I have to get over myself sometimes. Also, I learned that Flanders has quite the evangelical following, which means The Simpsons really does have something for everyone. Except my mother.

I've lost Cosmo to yet another video game. Last week was this really terrible (yet admittedly funny) game called "Postal 2." The final level features the apocalypse, complete with raining cats. It was... Well, you can look at the website yourself. It's just that I never thought I'd be grateful for his war games. The new one's called "Call of Duty." WWII. At least it's not glorifying anything. Actually, it's a cross between that and his new (gag) sports game. There's got to be a support group for game widows. As Cosmo just pointed out, I should be grateful he doesn't have the online adapter for his PS2. And I actually am.
This was just ridiculous amounts of fun. I'm completely serious. Again, I must learn to get over myself. We went there because it was next to the theatre where we saw Without a Paddle. Not typically my type of movie. I mean, I would've seen it eventually, 'cause I like this kind of movie on video, but I rarely see these in the theatre. In fact, we only went tonight because it has Seth Green and Cosmo's been begging me for a silly movie. Seth Green, oh, how I adore him. The movie was cute. Mentions San Dimas, for anyone old or dorky enough to have memorized even a little of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Actually, we've seen quite a few good movies lately. Eurotrip, (On video) which is totally one of those movies I prefer on DVD. We also saw De-Lovely, which is probably one of the best bio-pic type movies I've seen in ages. It's about Cole Porter.
The best, though, had to be Garden State. I'll probably talk about it more later, but for now we'll just deal with this: It was written by Zach Braff, the guy who plays the "narrator" on Scrubs. Too funny. I mean, really and truly. And he's been very in-touch with the marketing of it. I use the term "marketing" loosely, though, 'cause it's a Fox SearchLight movie. Read Zach's blog. Read it!! Then see it. You must see it!!
Gamer to gamer's widow: Introduce him to Magic the Gathering. It's a card game that combines rich fantasy art with high levels of strategy. Best of all, you can play together. :-)
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