Visits through blogdom and other tidbits...
Things I've missed since I've been in Texas:
Birthdays. My father, my aunt, Simon and Eric. You're all getting old and I'm sorry I missed it. Have some ice cream

Brunch. Not that the weather's been good enough for patio eating, from what I've heard, but there's nothing like fruity waffles first thing in the morning to make your weekend happy.
My cat. I'd have a picture if we were at home, but I'm not. So you'll eventually get to bask in the happy that is Oskar, but it won't be today.
Sleeping, uninterupted. Really long story, but when you're living at a halfway house for compulsive people, there's no such thing as sleeping for more than 3-4 hours at a time.
People. I could give you a list, but if you don't know when I'm talking about you at this point in our lives, there'll be no getting through to you.
Things I'll miss when I'm not in Texas:
My in-laws. They're loud and oh-so-funny. Also, bossy, but with really huge hearts. In short, my type of people.
Sleeping past noon. I don't normally like sleeping too long, but if I sleep 4 hours, then 4 hours, then 4 hours, there's no such thing as too long. And if I go to bed at 7 in the morning, 2 o'clock is reasonable.
The food. Which, technically should be in my other list, 'cause it's sooo bad for you, but well, hell, everyone deserves a break once in a while.
Sundry other people who should also know who they are by now. Yes, Buddy, you're one of those people.

But I won't miss the mutant droves of mosquitos. 10 minutes and I got 20 bites on my left foot and 19 on my right, plus various others on my arms. I'm so sexy. Oh, the grass truly is always greener, but at least I know it.
Yesterday, for lack of anything else to do, and also due to my deeply rooted voyeuristic tendancies, I spent an hour or so checking out other people's blogs. It was fun, except for this disturbing trend I've noticed: Apparently, days of the week weren't chock full of enough chocolatey goodness, they've been turned into "daes" of the week. "2dae i didnt no what 2 do wit myself..." Clearly we're not winning awards with our personal writings, but there's something to be said for making it legible, if you're going to make an effort at all.

I found this last night, and would like to dedicate it to Simon, as he's thoroughly obsessed with The Da Vinci Code.
I've found this for my friends who like to read - Specifically Harry Potter, which means specifically Teresa and Rachel. I especially like it where he said "“The humor is lame. That’s kids’ humor.”" Beware: You really shouldn't underestimate your audience. That's why Harry's awesome. And anyone can tell you that the best books can sometimes require multiple readings for everything to become clear. Anyway, a quick read through that article and a look at his website make it clear that not only does this man have no imagination (Kids' humour is not lame. Not always, anyway) but he also doesn't seem to have any scruples. Leading teen chat discussions about his books, anonymously no doubt, is just so very uncool.
Stolen from the Neil Gaiman site, it's a pictoral representation of his Snow Glass Apples, which I've never been able to get a copy of. So gorgeous. Please look.
Also stolen from the Neil Gaiman site, a place where you can join the Morbid Bunny of the Month Club. Have a luck, most of you are gonna get this for Christmas this year.
Anyway, I started this at 10:55, and it's taken way too long to write this. Hollie's on her way to Vegas this morning and I've been helping her pack and fix up outfits. It's definately time for bed. And me without a quote for this post.
Love me anyway.
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