I missed this...
Today, lunch at The Only. Really disappointed to learn that they don't serve their award winning (Not really, but if life were fair) waffles during the week. I've really been craving them for weeks.
It was nice, though. Simon and Rachel are off this week, so we're getting to do a couple of things that we wouldn't normally. Really helps that Cos and I are shiftless ne'er do well's. (Teresa and Eric, come out, come out, wherever you are)
Then back to our place for Buffy and Dead Like Me. Yes, dear reader, we're all mega geeks. Anyway, as far as we're all concerned, October can't come quickly enough. See, that's when the new Buffy boxset comes out, and our collection becomes complete. A little disconcerted, though, since the insert in Season Six says October and Amazon.ca says November 16th. Guess I know what Cos is getting for his birthday. (Surprise!)
To add to my geekdom, which I'm sure is certified, The Sims 2 comes out later today. Yippee. Too bad about that whole shiftless ne'er do well thing. We could own it, otherwise.
All in all, excepting the brokeness of us and my failure to engage my off button at a crucial moment, thereby allowing my hurt and frustration in a certain situation to take control, a rather perfect day. So very nice to be home.
Buddy, BJ, we miss you. And just so you don't feel too left out:

Pretty, oh so pretty...
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