~ Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Okay, so I take back some of the stuff I said yesterday. It's the packing that's a burden. The travelling is great. I love travelling. Plus, Cosmo and I get to be really stupid together. Perhaps one day the stories will come out, but for now, rest assured that your loyal journalist is a complete and utter dork when no one's watching (And quite often when people are watching, too)
So, we're just outside Texarkana, and there, staring me in the face is a giant billboard. Now, this is no social commentary on virginity, it's more of a commentary on in-your-face advertisments and thier overall appropriateness. Also, this billboard caused enough of a giggle that we had to write down the website, 'cause we're a little travel-addled. And also because just as we turned the corner a pair of love bugs landed on my window, doing what love bugs do best.
Tonight we're in a hotel in an undisclosed location. I mean, I will tell, but not right now, as Cosmo would like it to be a surprise. He's watching Othello, which he's never seen before, and we got free internet. So, of course, addict that I already am, I'm posting. (The review's wrong, by the way. This Desdemona is sweet and naive. Nothing more is needed)
Okay, to bed. Cosmo has promised me Shoney's for breakfast tomorrow. One of the only times I'll lower myself to breakfast food.

Captain's Log, Supplimental....
hehe....i know you LOVE star trek missy ;)
Well, you need to give me your msn messenger screen name. if you'd like you can email it to me at (oh, btw, thats my msn sn) :)
Love yall!
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