Oskar the hero and other bits about home...
I know, I know, I've been away. Sorry Buddy. Things have been a little befuddled around here lately, and they seem to be getting even more so. That's alright, though, 'cause tonight's discussion is mostly about Oskar The Hero and a couple other little things.
First of all, wow. Glorious weather. Until the cold front from Florida hit. I know, I shouldn't complain that I'm forced to wear a sweater when all those poor people have been forced out of their homes. And there were a couple rough days when it looked like New Orleans (Or Nawlins, which I can't say without sounding hopelessly Northern) was going to get hit, too. I'm really sorry for all those people, 'cause that really can't be any fun. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say something really deep: It must suck. But wearing sweaters makes me nervous, 'cause it means that winter's closer than I though. Yup. Me, me, me.
Oskar was so happy to see us. I mean, he literally won't let us out of eyesight, he sleeps with one eye open. It's gotta be neat to be a cat, not only do you get to sleep for 18 hours a day, but you can do it with one eye open. The only time we don't see him is when he's out hunting. You heard me. Hunting.
The third night we were home, Rachel noticed Oskar playing around her purse. When she moved the purse, there was a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty mousey hiding for dear life. She and I managed to wrangle it into an equally teeny, tiny box and I smuggled it outside to freedom. The next morning, I awoke to a bird on the floor. Dead. Ick.
A couple nights ago, Rachel and Si came over for a bit. Oskar took quite a liking to Simon. Now, the thing is, Oskar's shy. Bitterly so. But he loved Si. Next time he came over, Simon was the proud recepient of a living, full grown mouse. We think it escaped, but we weren't able to smuggle this one out. He was too quick.

Oskar the Brave

Oskar the Cunning

Oskar the Nearly Awake. Rodents and bird beware!
Alright, here's the hard part: Why haven't I been around? Well, let me tell you. The Sims 2. Yes. Far more addictive than The Sims. Why? Because it's 3D. Okay, no, because your Sims can become obsessed with "Woohoo," which is, you know, tastefully done cutaway scenes of underwater/bed/public sex. The woman I adopted was Woohoo obsessed. Wants it everywhere, all the time, with everyone. Well, she did. I already have a nice lesbian couple, one of whom recently turned 54, with two sons. Now the geriatric, Woohoo-obsessed lady has settled down to become a middle aged mother and more than devoted life partner/wife. It's fun. Okay, it's addictive. Leave me alone!!

Also, Cos and I have been engaging in a little Secret Shopping. It's wicked fun. Who'm I to complain about getting paid to shop whilst being bitchy? Only thing is, it's the second job we've done for this company and our cheque from the first job mysteriously got lost in the mail. Whatever. I've decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, so we went ahead and did this one. Another thing, though, is that they always send us to Town Shoes. Nice place, but I don't get to keep the shoes, and I was promised hotel stays and restaurants. Let me tell you, could really use something like that now that I'm out of work. Well, keep your fingers crossed, everyone. On that and the actual job front. I need all the help I can get, in more ways than one.

So, I'm sorry. I've been conspicuously MIA lately, and I'm aware. I'm busy cleaning up birds, helping mice escape in the Avon box version of the Underground Railroad, trying to look for a job, and engaging in Woohoo. My bad, entirely, but I'm working on my Sims addiction, and once I have a job I won't really be able to play as much as I have been, which is both a blessing and a sadness. I'll move past it, I swear.

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