
A life less ordinary...

See, I have to tell this story, because if it hadn't happened to me, then I wouldn't believe it myself.

Last Thursday after lunch, as I was leaving my house, I noticed two speeding vehicles going down my street and as Cos and I pulled up to the corner, I noticed a cop car sitting there, right where the car and truck had passed by. I thought that was nice, a cop sitting on the corner and watching people do twice the legal speed on my street, and mentioned it to Cosmo, at the same time noticing the cop noticing me as I turned to look at him.

So, about two minutes later we pull into the lot at work and we hear that grindy/honky noise that cop cars make when they want to pull you over but don't want to turn on their sirens.

"Is that for me? Is he trying to pull me over?" Cosmo gets nervous. So, being a good little boy, he pulled right over. And the cop actually got out of his car and came over to us!

"Where you do you live, sir?" Says Mr Policeman, leaning into the car.

"Texas," says Cos.

"Oh, see, I was just wondering, 'cause a lot of people move here and you only have six months to change your plates. I was just wondering." This he pulled us over for. Couldn't have waited till Cos returned home, could he? Nope, this all has to happen when I'm about to be late coming back to work.


"No, sir, I'm just here visiting, sir." Ah, the politeness when police arrive on the scene! A request for Cosmo's license and a couple of jokes about Cos and terrorism later...

"Who're you visiting?" Asks the policeman.

"Her," Says Cos.

"Who's her?" Leaning in closer to see me. "Oh, hello, what's your name?"

So I tell him my first name. Then he asks for my second, all the while writing down Cos' vital stats on a pad. Then, and this is where it gets a little weird, he asks me where I live.

"43, sir." Says me.

"43? You're sure?" What? Really?

"Yes, sir, quite sure."

"You don't live at 53?"

"No, sir, I don't. Would you like to see my license?"

He declines, and starts asking Cos why he's seen him parked at 53. Which Cos hasn't ever done, to my knowledge. And we mention this to him.

Then he asks me if I recognize the name Tommy or Randy or Billy something or other, which I don't. And he asks me if I'm sure again. And I am.

Then he says "What would you do if I told you that 53 was a marijuana grow house?" and Cos and I both start laughing.

"Well, it wouldn't surprise me. This is Toronto," Says Cos between chuckles. "I hear that's really common here."

The cop smiles and nods. "We have good pot here."

He then asks if anyone new has moved into our house, which of course no one has. Then he asks us why he always sees people coming in and out of our house. I mention that we quite often have friends over. He nods.

"It's just that we're watching your neighbourhood, because of that grow house, and we've noticed a lot of coming and going at your place," Come to find out that a police car followed my mom home a few mornings earlier, as well as this strange follow-the-leader game we'd played on the day in question. "And I see this car coming in and out quite often." I explain to him that Cos drives me to and from work daily, including lunch dates. The officer nods again.

"Okay, well, we're looking at that house, so don't mention this to any of your neighbours, okay?" Okay? Really? Well, at any rate we were now free to go.

The next day when I arrived home for lunch, my mother mentioned to me that the dog had been barking incessently that morning. She'd gone to investigate the noise and found a man leaning against the light pole outside the front of our house. He looked up, smiled and nodded. Sadly he was gone when we got home, so whether he was undercover or just dealing outside my house, I may never know.


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