Bored bored bored bored-bored...
I know, I know. I never post, when I do it's stuff from quizzes. So whatever, 'cause I had no time. I'm getting used to having time again, it may take a while. Or the wonderful days of me sharing wonderful me with slightly less than wonderful you (Imaginary people in my head, I'm looking right at you...!)
Anyway, quit my job. The one with the moose. I got tired of being the senior tired person, so I quit. Well, found myself something newer and hopefully better first. Cos wouldn't let me just quit. Stupid Cos.
Anyway, working for a real company now. One that hires men, doesn't require 10 hour shifts, pays overtime and purposefully doesn't kill it's employees before the ripe old age of 30.
It's nice knowing you won't be cooked into a pie if you don't get all your work done. I like not living in a fairy tale. Of course the fairies would be useful, wish granting, lottery winning and what have you. But what do I know?
So yeah... This is where it stands. Cute little house downtown. Just what I always told Cos I wanted. It even has a little garden outside. I mean, really!
Cos can work. Cos is a landed immigrant something something. And might one day be half Canadian. I might one day be half [one of them]. These things happen to the best of us sometimes.
And... Things are pretty good, wouldn't you say?