
What's she like when she's at home...

Oh my goodness, I can't remember being this bored in recent history. I live in the perfect location for going out, excepting that it's -13 before wind chill and my lips already feel like I've eaten much spicy food with no water in weeks. So that's a no go.

Everyone is occupado, thank you very much, and good for them. But man, I just wish someone had taken me out tonight.

It's not that big a deal, except I hate everything that's on TV right now (And most other times, too) and so all I'm doing is looking at FaceBook trying to decide if there's anyone from my past I miss so much I should make them my friend. I mean, really, if they mattered that much, wouldn't they be my friend already?

Wow. I'd forgotten what boredom can do to one's brain when left alone too long. Time to suck it up and go belly dance.